
包名.com.r22software.splitcam·語言.English70more·系統要求.Android4.1+(JellyBean,API16)·內容分級.Everyone·架構.armeabi-v7a,x86·權限.6·簽名.,2019年9月16日—Everwantedtoappeartwoormoretimesatthesamepicture?Twincameraeffectcaneasilybereachedifyoudividecamera.UseSplitCamapp ...,It'sneverbeeneasiertocloneyourselforyourfriend.-Taketwophotos-Adjustsplitandblending-Sharethepicanywhereyouwant,Downloadthe...

下載Split Camera 1.2.5安卓版APK

包名. com.r22software.splitcam · 語言. English 70 more · 系統要求. Android 4.1+ (Jelly Bean, API 16) · 內容分級. Everyone · 架構. armeabi-v7a,x86 · 權限. 6 · 簽名.

SplitCam | Clone yourself with

2019年9月16日 — Ever wanted to appear two or more times at the same picture? Twin camera effect can easily be reached if you divide camera. Use SplitCam app ...

Split Camera

It's never been easier to clone yourself or your friend. - Take two photos - Adjust split and blending - Share the pic anywhere you want

Download Split Cam Plus 1.20 for Android

Download the latest version of Split Cam Plus for Android. Perfect for cloning yourself in pictures.

Split Camera for Android

Download the APK of Split Camera for Android for free. Clone your photos and use them to create a single image. Unleash your creative potential with Split.


SplitCam is a free program that provides various features that can be installed on one's webcam. The additional features improve the quality of video phone ...


SplitCamera is a freeware virtual video clone and split video capture driver for connecting several applications to a single video capture source.

下載SplitCam APK Android版

5 天前 — 憑藉直覺的控制、可自訂的佈局以及虛擬背景等高級功能,SplitCam 重新定義了串流體驗。透過輕鬆地即時管理多個串流,增強您的線上形象並與更廣泛的受眾 ...